What are the biggest weight loss mistakes?

 What are the biggest weight loss mistakes?

Weight Loss vaires from person to person. But, as someone who has lost 50lbs and kept it off for 4 years, I have some insight into the mistakes people make when trying to lose weight.

Weight Loss Mistakes

  1. Too Few Calories: this is very common. Women especially tend to assume they can only lose weight if they eat 1200 calories per day. This often results in binging, a lower metabolism, and disappointment. I recommend skipping My Fitness Pal’s built in calorie estimator.
  2. Excessive Cardio: doing cardio is great for your heart and for burning calories, but many people take it to the extreme when trying to lose weight. Instead of doing 60 minutes of cardio every day, try doing 15–20 minutes of HIIT 3–4 times a week and incorporate strength training into your routine 3–4 days a week. Strength training increases muscle mass, which in turn increases your basal metabolic rate.
  3. Cutting out carbs: while Keto diets are known to help people lose weight, carbs are necessary. Cutting carbs for an extended period of time can decrease thyroid output, increase cortisol levels, and impair mood and cognitive function. Instead try eating more complex carbs and reduce the intake of simple carbs. A study in 2008 found that people following the Mediterranean diet (high in complex carbs) helped overall weight loss.
  4. Too much ab focus:  everyone wants a smaller more chiseled stomach. But often people think they can do 100 situps and crunches everyday and wake up with abs. The truth is, crunches can harm your body more than help it. For one, they mainly work surface level muscles instead of deep core muscles. Two, they can create pore posture and damage your spine . Instead focus on strength training that activates your core. Squats and deadlifts are excellent for core strength. Also, the biggest key to abs is nutrition. If your nutrition isn’t on point, you likely won’t see abs despite your workout routine.
  5. The biggest advice I have is to pay attention to your body, eat whole foods intuitively, and add variety to your workouts.

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