What is the fastest way to lose weight before summer?

 What is the fastest way to lose weight before summer?

With the summer season coming up, a pile of winter pounds on everyone's body becomes more and more unwanted. Beach time is coming closer and closer by the day, so the time necessary to dropping the said pounds is limited. Naturally, a simple question comes to mind - how do I lose weight fast before the summer starts?

The great news is - a timeframe of around two months is more than enough to lose a ton of weight.

Of course, there are many contributing factors as to how much weight each individual can lose. However, that should not stop anyone from developing a nicer frame for the hot season.

Also, that’s where digital tools come into play. You can evaluate the amount of weight you can expect to lose in a month here,

Now, to lose weight, you have to change your diet. That's inevitable, and the sooner you do it - the better. From working in the health and fitness industry for most of my career - I can safely state that the worst thing to do when trying to lose weight is jumping between diets recklessly. Consistency is the key, so decide on what you prefer and STICK TO IT.

There is a vast difference between each diet and its principles. By continually changing your eating patterns, you will have a difficult time psychologically and might gain some weight instead of losing.

The most effective diet, in my opinion, is keto. By limiting the carbohydrate intake you reach the point where your body uses stored fat for fuel. This diet has other benefits as well. It improves acne heart health, brain function, reduces the risk of certain cancers. Some people have noticed improved digestive system function, sleep, and skin tone.

However, there is a compatibility issue to be discussed. Everyone’s body is different, so keto might not be the best option for you. Fortunately, there are compatibility tests to figure that out:

Diet compatibility test (Keto)

Another thing to consider - the diet is pretty tricky if done without any external tools/ sources. For example, a well-known celebrity Khloe Kardashian is currently on the keto diet and has improved her figure quite a bit.

Although, you have to keep in mind that she has access to way more resources than most of us ever will. Her meal plan and fitness regimen are most certainly created by field professionals. So, she doesn't have to worry about research, time management, and an expensive grocery list - the headaches we, less fortunate, have.

However, there is an up-side to the matter here too. Technologies have improved the dissemination of information tremendously. Now, having access to the Internet can solve so many problems. For example, when it comes to dieting, certain websites can provide you with the same thing a personal coach and a nutritionist would.

Having a personalized meal plan increases the success rate a lot. The ingredients are pre-selected and confirmed by the user, and thus the recipes won't have anything you don't like making it easier to keep up with. The caloric deficit and macronutrients are taken into account, so you don't need to worry about the technicalities and allocate your efforts to the actual weight loss. And you are joining a private community of people using the diet where you can share your successes and downfalls without being judged.

In any case, even though two months might not seem like a lot of time - it is. You can lose a ton of weight before the summer starts and another ton by the end of it. Most importantly - don't hesitate to change your eating pattern. It won't be easy at first, but I promise it'll be worth it, especially when you start seeing the results. That might be the reason why keto works so great - results start showing immediately.

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